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Most Effective Sleep Gummies, Short-term sleep gummies can act as a sleep aid, but could mask underlying issues, pose some potential health risks and shouldn’t be taken long-term. Before you reach for a bottle of sleep gummies, make sure you talk to your doctor first.

Our first mood state product developed specifically to improve sleep. Nature has done the heavy lifting here. No isolates or additives means the flower’s complete expression of flavor, terpenes, and compounds provides maximum efficacy. The calming properties of passionflower and vanilla provide additional flavor components, as well as the round sweetness of mulberries from the legendary MKX cannabis farm.

Sleep Like Never Before

A sweet treat that promises relaxation like no other. 200mg THC + 50mg CBN per bag. We took our top-selling THC gummy recipe and enhanced it with CBN in a 4:1 ratio to aid you in getting the rest you deserve. CBN is a cannabinoid that has been found to help with insomnia, and even treating inflammatory diseases. Available in four different flavors, come and experience the reason we put Patients over Profits.

How long do sleep gummies take to kick in? 30 minutes
Melatonin begins to have an effect within 30 minutes. You should start to feel peaceful & sleepy. Melatonin is a supplement that works with your natural sleep cycle. This is why it’s important to have a relaxing environment to give yourself the best chance possible for a full night’s sleep

How Many mg of Edibles Should a Beginner Try?

We recommend an initial dose of no greater than 5 mg of THC or CBD for the true beginner. It’s better to take a small dose rather than too much because you can always wait two hours and take another 5 mg dose if you don’t feel the desired effects with your initial dose

How Many mg of Edibles Should a Beginner Try?

We recommend an initial dose of no greater than 5 mg of THC or CBD for the true beginner. It’s better to take a small dose rather than too much because you can always wait two hours and take another 5 mg dose if you don’t feel the desired effects with your initial dose

What to Do Before Taking an Edible – Tips and Tricks

Tips for Taking Edibles




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